SocietalSystem ( StS )
Humanity's New Operating Complex

World Societal Governance Organization

World Deliberative Societal Governance Organization Homepage

Roadmap towards the creation of a
World Societal Governance Organization ( 2030 project )

World Societal Governance Organization ( Project 2030 )

See also SocietalSystem Replacement of the United Nations 2030

A 'systemic re-engineering' of the world's governance body.
Beyond competing nation-states, now de facto already outdated.
See also: StS-Dossier UN SDG 2030

Roadmap Starting 2020
Extended elaboration of the StS-Platform online ( currently ongoing )

Editing Modulable StS-Transcriptions of Official Documents
Series of StS-Partnership Contacts
Organization of Introductory Conferences
Master Training Courses of StS-Supervisors, Geo-Territorial and Thematica
Creation of StS-Consortiums, per Geo-Territory and Topic, to formalize in an NGO each
Creation of a StS-Enterprise, per Geo-Territory and Topic
Organization of Societal Workshops and Crowd-Conferences, Local and Residential
for Deliberative Societal Crowd-Governance Training
for Citizens and Responsables of Public and Private Entities

Worldwide, massive organization of Road and Street Societal Surveys
and of Entities Societal Audits

Roadmap Towards 2025

Editing of Societal Parallels of Official Documents
Creation of Parallels of Official Entities
Organization of Parallels of Official Initiatives and Events

Roadmap Towards 2030

Preparing Replacement or Systemic Shifts of Official Entities
Construction of the Local-Global World SocietalSystem Organization.

Table and Presentation versions of the Roadmap 2030 soon availble.

Draconian Measures Projection 2030
Analogue to the draconian measures to contain coronavirus, now being taken by a growing number of governments worldwide,
a much more drastic set of measures could be taken in relation to the effects of climate change in the broadest sense, before 2030.
The current virus measures, unthinkable a few months ago, are proof that they are really possible, also for other areas, as climate change.
The world needs therefore a citizens' accessable platform with a series of instruments, infrastructures and initiatives
to smoothly channel the measures and to avoid serious local violence. SocietalSystem is propsed as a matrix for this.
And this, hopefully before some irresponsable "leaders" puch the ultimate nuclear button ...

Online Interactive StS-Platforms under construction
SocietalSystem World Societal Governance Structure Forum
SocietalSystem Societal Governance Opinion Polls
World Societal System Forum
Global-Local Societal Petitions Platform
Global-Local Governance Representatives (S)Election Voting
Global-Local Governance Referendums Deliberation and Voting
Societal Governance Citizens Interventions Forum

In preparation, interactive online:
World Societal System Organization Crowd-Construction online Forum
The new local-global, person-planet societal re-engineering plan.

World Societal System online Deliberative Societal Governance Polls
Direct online interactive polls on each of the 25+ items and subitems on the present page
and on all World Geo-Territories and Global Issues.

World SocietalSystem Organization Aggregate Homepage

Dozens innovative concepts for research and deliberation.


Solution ?
Global-Local Societal Engagement Network.
Projected to launch  in the autumn of 2020.
Join to concieve and spread it.


Date: 25.06.2020
? SocietalSystem ( StS )